58:49duration 58 minutes 49 seconds
ANFS Seminar: Andrew Ogden and Peru Travellers,…
ANFS Seminar: Andrew Ogden and Peru Travellers, 22 Feb 2019
03:47duration 3 minutes 47 seconds
Sodium Matters to Blood Pressure Control
In this web cast, learn how sodium consumption impacts blood pressure. This web cast is brought to you by the Northern New England Practice Transformation Network and the NH Citizens Health…
02:51duration 2 minutes 51 seconds
First Round 2018 Three Minute Thesis Jaclyn…
First Round 2018 Three Minute Thesis Jaclyn Robidoux M.S. Marine Biology
02:56duration 2 minutes 56 seconds
Kiley Remiszewski PhD Earth and Environmental…
Kiley Remiszewski PhD Earth and Environmental Sciences Final Round 2018 Three Minute Thesis
07:05duration 7 minutes 5 seconds
10:55duration 10 minutes 55 seconds
The Importance of Carbohydrates
08:02duration 8 minutes 2 seconds
Free Radicals and Antioxidants
04:38duration 4 minutes 38 seconds
Why Can't You Sprint Forever??
07:12duration 7 minutes 12 seconds
"Sorry, I'm on a diet!"
Discussing diets that are popular among high school athletes.
06:43duration 6 minutes 43 seconds
To pasta party, or not to pasta party
08:50duration 8 minutes 50 seconds
Orthorexia Nervosa
05:18duration 5 minutes 18 seconds
B Vitamins and Energy
Why You Should Eat Fats
Sabrina Anderson, Milaena Ferrarse, Sarah Dramstad and Molly Portela on why dietary fats are important.