Search for tag: "food ingredients"

Sodium Matters to Blood Pressure Control

In this web cast, learn how sodium consumption impacts blood pressure. This web cast is brought to you by the Northern New England Practice Transformation Network and the NH Citizens Health…

From  Annie Averill 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Making Maple Syrup with Matt Chagnon_ Associate Forestry Professor_ UNH Thompson

From  Jaden Brulotte 0 likes 75 plays 0  

The Importance of Carbohydrates

The Importance of Carbohydrates

From  Nicole Spitalere 0 likes 92 plays 0  

"Sorry, I'm on a diet!"

Discussing diets that are popular among high school athletes.

From  Madalyn Faust 0 likes 64 plays 0  

What Makes A Healthy Diet

This video gives an overview of the components involved in a healthy diet and the requirements for nutrients. It also includes information on vegetarian and vegan diets, as well as easy ways to track…

From  Danielle Sparks 0 likes 30 plays 0  

Anabolic Window

From  Samantha Pearl 0 likes 25 plays 0  

To pasta party, or not to pasta party

From  Jordyn Kafka 0 likes 30 plays 0  

Orthorexia Nervosa

From  Courtney Pusz 0 likes 70 plays 0  

B Vitamins and Energy

From  Maura Donovan 1 likes 150 plays 0  

Why You Should Eat Fats

Sabrina Anderson, Milaena Ferrarse, Sarah Dramstad and Molly Portela on why dietary fats are important.

From  Sabrina Anderson 1 likes 57 plays 0