Search for tag: "research"

2021_SMSOE Graduate Research Symposium

From  Sally Nelson 0 likes 39 plays 0  

Nurses' Perceptions of Caring for Patients in the Prone Position

Brianna Judkins, Nursing Research Advisor: Clarissa Michalak, DNP, ACNPC-AG, CCRN

From  Brianna Judkins 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Where are the "Coastal Elites"?

Laura Clancy, Sociology and Justice Studies Research Advisor: Kenneth Johnson

+3 More
From  Laura Clancy 0 likes 109 plays 2  

A Comparison of Online and Face-to-Face PLTL in Chemistry Courses

Olivia Henriques, Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology Research Advisor: Dr. Christopher Bauer

From  Olivia Henriques 0 likes 35 plays 1  

Nurses' Perceptions of Caring for Patients in the Prone Position

Brianna Judkins, Nursing Research Advisor: Clarissa Michalak, DNP, ACNPC-AG, CCRN

From  Brianna Judkins 0 likes 31 plays 0  

ECO-G.Eating With The Ecosystem

Rebecca Malloy, Environmental Conservation and Sustainability & Ecogastronomy, Dan Winans

From  Rebecca Malloy 1 likes 12 plays 0  

Best Practices in Social Media Engagement & Measurement for Research Centers

Authors: Emily Desormier (Majors: English Literature and Communication) and Charlotte Stansbury (Communication) Research Advisor: Michelle Lynch

From  Emily Desormier 1 likes 35 plays 0  

A Comparison of Health Habits between Nursing and Non-nursing Majors

Reilly Gilmour, Nursing Advisor: Eileen Hollis, MSN, RN-BC, CNL

From  Reilly Gilmour 0 likes 22 plays 0  

A Review of Best Practices for Collecting and Transcribing Qualitative Data

Maeve Pitman, Psychology and Justice Studies Ally Kosmala, Psychology and Justice Studies Research Advisor: Elizabeth Moschella and Sharyn Potter

From  Ally Kosmala 0 likes 21 plays 0  

UNH Education Advising Program: How Can We Make It Stronger?

Tucker Jennison, History and Educational Studies Taylor Fumarola, History and Educational Studies Monica Bove, Human Development, Family Studies, and Educational Studies Alyssa Fragano,…

From  Tucker Jennison 0 likes 26 plays 0  

Designing a Career Decision Making Website

Katherine Blood, Biomedical Science Research Adviser: Molly Campbell

From  Kate Blood 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Research Webinar with Ken Johnson & Kristine Bundschuh: Why People Move to and Stay in New Hampshire

Ken Johnson, senior demographer with the Carsey School of Public Policy, and Kristine Bundschuh, a 2018 Nordblom Fellow with Carsey, discuss their recent research brief, titled Why People Move to and…

From  Emily Clegg 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Carsey Roundtable: Collaborative Governance Simulation Teaching at Carsey

Carsey's Academic Director Dan Bromberg sits down with Carsey School faculty member Carolyn Arcand to discuss the use of collaborative teaching simulations in public policy and administration…

From  Emily Clegg 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Research Webinar: What Do We Know About What to Do With Dams?

The more people have heard or read about the issue of removing old dams, the more likely they are to support dam removal. Carsey School of Public Policy researchers Simone Chapman, Catherine…

From  Emily Clegg 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Learning the Skills to Communicate Research: A Conversation with Jess Carson, Ph.D.

Learn about the intersection of Research and Communication in a conversation with Dan Bromberg, Director of Academic Programs, and Jessica Carson, Research Assistant Professor at Carsey, as they…

From  Bailey Schott 0 likes 2 plays 0  

The Fragile Relationship Between Police Officers and Citizens in an Age of Video Surveillance

Dan Bromberg, Director of Academics for the Carsey School of Public Policy, discusses his research into police body-worn cameras and how law enforcement trust in citizens, the media, and fellow…

From  Nicholas Gosling 0 likes 5 plays 0