Sofia Lombardo Psychology and Justice Studies…
Rachel Young, Psychology, Justice Studies, and…
Author: Gordon Unzen--Psychology, philosophy,…
Student Presenter: Antonia Schmitz, Major:…
Sofia Lombardo Psychology and Justice Studies…
Jenna Peterson, Business Administration,…
Sonthaya Lacy, Neuroscience and Behavior Research…
Gordon Unzen, Psychology, Philosophy, and Justice…
Tyler Stetson, Neuroscience and Behavior;…
Author: Samantha Lynch, B.S. Business…
Rachel Young; Psychology, Justice Studies, and…
Isabella Thompson (Psychology), Katherine King…
Dr. Caitlin Mills- Principle Investigator of ACC…
Presenter: Isabella A. Craig, Psychology…
Sean M. Kohlbrenner, Computer Science Research…
Meredith Baker, Psychology Research Advisors:…