Search for tag: "social"

Getting to the Root - Dismantling Racism in Family Separation Systems

Join the UNH Social Work Department for a critical discussion about the disproportionate impact of family separation on families of color, as well as current efforts to address racist policies…

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From  Christie Davis 0 likes 228 plays 0  

The Interaction of Race and Gender in Relation to Crime Victims

Rachel Young, Psychology, Justice Studies, and Women's and Gender Studies Research Advisor: Ellen Cohn

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From  Rachel Young 0 likes 26 plays 0  

Law and Order: How Political Ideology relates to the Authority Legal Socialization Model

Author: Gordon Unzen--Psychology, philosophy, justice studies. Advisor: Dr. Ellen Cohn--Psychology

From  Gordon Unzen 0 likes 41 plays 0  

COVID-19 on Campus

Delaney McKee, Psychology Research Advisor: Elizabeth Caldwell

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From  Delaney McKee 1 likes 26 plays 1  

Marlies Amberger, URC 2021 Presentation

Honors Thesis project of Marlies Amberger -- Shades of Tangerine: A Creative Nonfiction Exploration of Feminism in the 1960s and 1970s. Thesis Advisor, Prof. Jaed Coffin

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From  Delia Konzett 2 likes 55 plays 2  

Mental Health and Social Media Impacting Rule Following and Rule Violating Behaviors During COVID-19

Molly O'Shea, Psychology and Justice Studies Major Research Advisor: Dr. Ellen Cohn

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From  Molly O'Shea 0 likes 34 plays 0  

Race and the American Dream

Emma Watts, Sociology Research Advisor: Ryan Gibson

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From  Emma Watts 0 likes 20 plays 3  

A Look into the Lived Experience of Food Insecure Students at the University of New Hampshire

Emmalyn Casteris majors Linguistics and Women's and Gender Studies Research Advisor Siobhan Senior

From  Emmalyn Casteris 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Restraint Rates in Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities across U.S. States from 2017 - 2020

Kelly Schnell, Social Work Research Advisor: Kathryne Brewer

From  Kelly Schnell 0 likes 16 plays 0  

A Changing Political System: Democratic Backsliding and its Effects on Human Rights in Hungary

Emily Tomasi, Political Science and International Affairs '22 Research Advisor: Prof. Thomas Safford

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From  Emily Tomasi 1 likes 44 plays 0  

Best Practices in Social Media Engagement & Measurement for Research Centers

Authors: Emily Desormier (Majors: English Literature and Communication) and Charlotte Stansbury (Communication) Research Advisor: Michelle Lynch

From  Emily Desormier 1 likes 35 plays 0  

Cognitions and COVID-19: The Integrated Cognitive Legal Socialization Model during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic

Gordon Unzen, Psychology, Philosophy, and Justice Studies Rachel Young, Psychology, Justice Studies, and Women's and Gender Studies Research Advisor: Ellen Cohn This poster represents a paper…

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From  Rachel Young 0 likes 17 plays 2  

Before and After #MeToo: Investigating how the Media Discusses Male Perpetrated Sexual Violence

Maya Coykendall, Social Work, Dr. Jennifer O'Brien

From  Maya Coykendall 0 likes 65 plays 0  

Influence of Sign Language on an Adolescent with Developmental Delay: Single-Case Design

Kaitlyn Seamans, Occupational TherapyResearch Advisor: Dr. Lou Ann Griswold

From  Kaitlyn Seamans 0 likes 21 plays 0  

[Thesis] Artificial Intelligence as a Disinformation Engine

Read the paper: With the help of his mentor, Professor Nick Smith, during the summer of 2019, Dylan researched how new developments in…

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From  Dylan Wheeler 0 likes 45 plays 0  

Learning the Skills to Communicate Research: A Conversation with Jess Carson, Ph.D.

Learn about the intersection of Research and Communication in a conversation with Dan Bromberg, Director of Academic Programs, and Jessica Carson, Research Assistant Professor at Carsey, as they…

From  Bailey Schott 0 likes 2 plays 0