Search for tag: "depression"

Stressful Life Events and Postpartum Depression

Madison Laurent, Nursing Alyssa O'Brien

From  Maddy Laurent 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Mental Health and Social Media Impacting Rule Following and Rule Violating Behaviors During COVID-19

Molly O'Shea, Psychology and Justice Studies Major Research Advisor: Dr. Ellen Cohn

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From  Molly O'Shea 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Stressful Life Events and Postpartum Depression

Madison Laurent, Nursing Research Advisor: Alyssa O'Brien

From  Maddy Laurent 0 likes 8 plays 0  


Alicia Maimone, English Teaching Advisor: Jim Rioux

From  Alicia Maimone 1 likes 50 plays 0  

Social Media's Impact on Mental Health

Alayna Blodgett : Sociology and Women's Studies Research Advisor: Rebecca Glauber

From  Alayna Blodgett 0 likes 203 plays 0  

How Mental Health Plays A Role in the Victims of Domestic Violence

Molly O'Shea, psychology and justice studies Paxton Morley, psychology and justice studies Research Advisor: Katherine Lee and Ellen Cohn

From  Molly O'Shea 0 likes 27 plays 0  

How Far Does The apple fall: Depression as a mediator between parental monitoring and substance abuse

Brenna Niziak, Psychology and Justice Studies Meegan O'Connell, Social Work and Justice Studies Kathleen Tortorella, Psychology Research Advisor: Ellen S. Cohn, Donovan Kelley, Paul Hennigan

From  Katie Tortorella 0 likes 19 plays 0  

ANFS Seminar: Featured Graduate Students, 12 Apr 2019

Includes the following presentations: Anna Devitto - Optimizing Year-round Greenhouse Strawberry Production in the Northeast Caitlin Porter - Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Depression, and Stress Tess Stahl -…

From  Rebecca Sideman 0 likes 7 plays 0  

7-Standard Care Protocol for People with Suicide Risk

Watch this presentation by Holly Tutko and Dr. Rudy Fedrizzi at the NH Citizens Health Initiative's Behavioral Health Integration Learning Collaborative session Suicide Prevention and Substance…

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From  Kelsi West 0 likes 36 plays 0  

5-Implementation of ZERO Suicide

Watch this presentation by Bill Rider at the NH Citizens Health Initiative's Behavioral Health Integration Learning Collaborative session Suicide Prevention and Substance Use Disorders:…

From  Kelsi West 0 likes 23 plays 0