Overview of Space Management
A look at pain points with the reorder generator, evaluation and recommendations by AssetWorks on best business practices.
https://unh.box.com/s/ypnuvglws5q94o5ovoqvr1wp6rwhh5mehttp:// In preparation for our Inventory training, some reporting and the information includes:
Inventory value summary
by commodity,…
Topics to include: i.
Describe AiM business logic for the space module. ii.
Who owns the data (phases, assets tied to location, active asset or phase
looking for efficiency)…
Zoom Recording ID: 8601769951
UUID: eY1q78SESo6lXQKVitdPcw==
Meeting Time: 2022-03-07 01:48:02pm
Zoom Recording ID: 8601769951
UUID: hfA/3ijWShGGMztRqScvVA==
Meeting Time: 2022-02-15 05:48:26pm
Zoom Recording ID: 8601769951
Meeting Time: 2022-02-08 03:59:21pm
Zoom Recording ID: 8601769951
UUID: 2oNl3fwQTUej66LUfXD6Mg==
Meeting Time: 2022-01-24 05:48:22pm
Zoom Recording ID: 93450524033
UUID: XeqYhfKVSO6MLpqla/M+1w==
Meeting Time: 2021-10-01T13:51:49Z
Zoom Recording ID: 95644531522
UUID: 9srMjji5ShetZipnA0iLqg==
Meeting Time: 2021-09-29T10:46:55Z
Zoom Recording ID: 96415468297
UUID: 03uOhms+TJy9VmKFDJF80w==
Meeting Time: 2021-09-28T17:57:52Z
Zoom Recording ID: 95751548010
UUID: fECnNXRdTrqSI51N49/wcA==
Meeting Time: 2021-09-22T17:03:04Z