03:45duration 3 minutes 45 seconds
Understanding Interpersonal Trust and…
Understanding Interpersonal Trust and Task-Unrelated Thought Through Computer-Mediated Health Conversations
Tyler Stetson, Neuroscience and Behavior; Alexander Colby, Ph.D. Candidate; Dr. Caitlin Mills
10:31duration 10 minutes 31 seconds
Boring Ideas: Exploring Boredom as an Incubator…
Boring Ideas: Exploring Boredom as an Incubator to Creativity
Catherine McGrath, Psychology Research Advisor: Caitlin Mills, PhD
03:53duration 3 minutes 53 seconds
The Sound of Inattention: Predicting Mind…
The Sound of Inattention: Predicting Mind Wandering with Automatically Derived Features of Instructor Speech
Ian Gliser, Neuroscience and Behavior Research Advisor: Caitlin Mills
03:34duration 3 minutes 34 seconds
Engaging Conversation: How Emotion Words…
Engaging Conversation: How Emotion Words Influence Mind Wandering via CMC
Alexandra Ecker, Neuroscience and Behavior B.S. Tyler Stetson, Neuroscience and Behavior B.S. Alexander Colby, Psychology Ph.D. candidate Laura Allen, Research Advisor Caitlin Mills, Research Advisor
02:12duration 2 minutes 12 seconds
Mind Over Matter: Exploring how mindset affects…
Mind Over Matter: Exploring how mindset affects mind wandering
Cierra Cowan, Neuroscience & Behavior; English Alexis Loyed, Psychology Research Advisor: Dr. Caitlin Mills
48:38duration 48 minutes 38 seconds
student panel
01:31:58duration 1 hour 31 minutes
Jess Mitchell