Search for tag: "crime"

The Interaction of Race and Gender in Relation to Crime Victims

Rachel Young, Psychology, Justice Studies, and Women's and Gender Studies Research Advisor: Ellen Cohn

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From  Rachel Young 0 likes 26 plays 0  

ECON-BA. The Effects of Education On Crime Levels

ECON 774 Jack Franco - Economics and History Double Major - Reagan Baughman Isabelle Lovering - Economics - Reagan Baughman Sean French - Economics: Money and financial markets option - Reagan…

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From  Jack Franco 2 likes 20 plays 0  

Uruguay's Bold Experiment: Assessing the Impact of Marijuana Decriminalization

Emily Soule, Economics B.A. and Political Science Research Advisor: Dr. Mary Malone

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From  Emily Soule 0 likes 11 plays 0  


Author: Camden Hearn Major: Analytical Economics Advisor: Aziz Saglam

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From  Camden Hearn 0 likes 28 plays 0  

Cognitions and COVID-19: The Integrated Cognitive Legal Socialization Model during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic

Gordon Unzen, Psychology, Philosophy, and Justice Studies Rachel Young, Psychology, Justice Studies, and Women's and Gender Studies Research Advisor: Ellen Cohn This poster represents a paper…

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From  Rachel Young 0 likes 17 plays 2