09:13duration 9 minutes 13 seconds
Systemic Racism in France and the United States:…
Systemic Racism in France and the United States: An Analysis of Policies and Historical Practices that Led to the 2020 Black Lives Matter Marches
Shaelyn Frost French and International Affairs Dr Smita Lahiri
05:12duration 5 minutes 12 seconds
The Relationship Between Political Affiliation…
The Relationship Between Political Affiliation and Support for Black Lives Matter at UNH
Katherine Legier, Sociology and Women's and Gender Studies Research Adviser: Professor Rebecca Glauber
04:21duration 4 minutes 21 seconds
It's not political, it's racist: Direct…
It's not political, it's racist: Direct explicit racism as a mediator between political orientation and Black Lives Matter support
Meegan O'Connell, Social Work and Justice Studies Research Adviser: Donovan Kelley and Ellen Cohn