12:47duration 12 minutes 47 seconds
Zoom Breakout Rooms Overview
An overview of how to use breakout rooms when teaching in Zoom meetings at UNH.
12:28duration 12 minutes 28 seconds
Zoom Breakout Rooms with Preassigned Students
17:51duration 17 minutes 51 seconds
Intro to Polls in Zoom
An overview of using the Zoom polling function while teaching - including how to create and upload your questions.
09:05duration 9 minutes 5 seconds
Zoom Quickstart
A brief overview of teaching online with Zoom at UNH
01:12:45duration 1 hour 12 minutes
Using Zoom at UNH (Drupal User Community Workshop)
UNH has a site license for Zoom, a remote conferencing service, which allows all UNH students and employees to hold Zoom Meetings at any time, for any purpose. This workshop will introduce Zoom,…