Search for tag: "south"

Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: Brunei and China

Zander Guldbrandsen, Geography, Lawrence Reardon

From  Zander Guldbrandsen 0 likes 87 plays 0  

Constructing an Osteobiography: A Biological Profile and Historical Custody Investigation

Kyana Burgess, Anthropology and Sustainability Dual Major Victoria Slight, Anthropology and Justice Studies Dual Major Research Advisor: Dr. Amy Michael

From  Kyana Burgess 2 likes 109 plays 3  

Effects of Korean Policy on International Soft Power

Thomas McDonough, Political Science and International Affairs Research Advisor: Lawrence Reardon

From  Thomas McDonough 0 likes 29 plays 0  

A Study of Cameroon and South Sudan: How Neoliberal Efforts Shaped Two Countries, And A Continent

Melinda (Lindy) Hamilton, Political Science Research Advisor: Alynna Lyon

From  Melinda Hamilton 0 likes 30 plays 0  

2019 3MT First Round: Caroline Kanaskie, M.S., Natural Resources

From  Kelly Sennott 0 likes 1 plays 0  

2019 3MT Finals: Caroline Kanaskie, M.S. Natural Resources

From  Kristen Melamed 0 likes 24 plays 0  

J. William Harris Faculty Excellence 2012

J. Wiilam Harris Faculty Excellence 2012

From  Lisa Nugent 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Making Maple Syrup with Matt Chagnon_ Associate Forestry Professor_ UNH Thompson

From  Jaden Brulotte 0 likes 75 plays 0