08:09duration 8 minutes 9 seconds
Historical Clothing Recreation
Rebecca Holland, Anthropology and Philosophy major Research Advisor- Amy Michael
01:44duration 1 minute 44 seconds
Motorized Handcycle for People with Physical…
Motorized Handcycle for People with Physical Disabilities
Samuel Kierstead, Mechanical Engineering Michael Piessens, Mechanical Engineering Advisor: Ivaylo Nedyalkov
04:36duration 4 minutes 36 seconds
The Economic Impact of a Youth Softball…
The Economic Impact of a Youth Softball Tournament in Conway NH and Fryeburg ME
Caroline Thuma, Recreation Management & Policy Research Advisors: Dr. Bob Barcelona, Matt Frye
08:04duration 8 minutes 4 seconds
Campus Recreation Center_David Charette &…
Campus Recreation Center_David Charette & Michael Pisani
Learn about UNH's recreation center on campus and other services that help you stay active.