Search for tag: "provider"

Registries Matter to Blood Pressure Control

Learn how using a registry can help in blood pressure management. This web cast is brought to you by the Northern New England Practice Transformation Network and the NH Citizens Health Initiative.

+27 More
From  Annie Averill 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Specialists Matter to Blood Pressure Control

Learn about the role specialists play in blood pressure control. This web cast is brought to you by the Northern New England Practice Transformation Network and the NH Citizens Health Initiative.

+28 More
From  Annie Averill 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Dashboards and Data Matter to Blood Pressure Control

Learn how using dashboards and data matter to blood pressure control. This web cast is brought to you by the Northern New England Practice Transformation Network and the NH Citizens Health…

From  Annie Averill 0 likes 7 plays 0  

5-Implementation of ZERO Suicide

Watch this presentation by Bill Rider at the NH Citizens Health Initiative's Behavioral Health Integration Learning Collaborative session Suicide Prevention and Substance Use Disorders:…

From  Kelsi West 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Quality Improvement Matters to Blood Pressure Control

This web cast will discuss the intersection of quality improvement and blood pressure control, brought to you by the Northern New England Practice Transformation Network and the NH Citizens Health…

From  Annie Averill 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Patient Engagement Matters to Blood Pressure Control

Learn how patient engagement matters to blood pressure control. This web cast is brought to you by the Northern New England Practice Transformation Network and the NH Citizens Health Initiative.

+41 More
From  Annie Averill 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Health Literacy Matters to Blood Pressure Control

This web cast will discuss the intersection of health literacy and blood pressure control, brought to you by the Northern New England Practice Transformation Network and the NH Citizens Health…

From  Annie Averill 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Cardiovascular Disease Risk Scoring Matters to Blood Pressure Control

Learn how cardiovascular disease risk scoring plays into blood pressure control. This web cast is brought to you by the Northern New England Practice Transformation Network and the NH Citizens Health…

From  Annie Averill 0 likes 19 plays 0  

Accurate Blood Pressure Measurement Matters to Blood Pressure Control

Learn why accurate blood pressure measurement matters to blood pressure control! This web cast is brought to you by the Northern New England Practice transformation Network and the NH Citizens Health…

+36 More
From  Annie Averill 0 likes 31 plays 0