This video covers the process of creating and using overlays on the Lightboard at the Parker Media Lab. You should have watched the other Lightboard videos before watching this one!
This video will walk you through the green screen recording process at the Parker media lab step-by-step. There are shortcuts at the beginning to jump directly to a desired step in the process as…
In order to optimize your recording session in the Parker Media Lab, it's a good idea to be prepared. This video goes over a few key areas to prepare before your recording session to be sure you…
The Parker Media Lab is home to some great options to help improve your recorded content. This video will go over what you'll find for equipment, how to find the media lab, and how to reserve…
Keeping viewers engaged while viewing online content is a goal online educators strive for. This video will cover some of the options available to UNH faculty and students using facilities located on…
Introducing the Lightboard - Part 1 includes demonstration
clips of the technology in use and shows how adding Lightboard content to your
recorded lectures can help increase engagement in your…
In this section, we'll go over using the Lightboard system including setting up, recording, and copying your completed video.
In Part 2 we'll reveal the location of the Lightboard and how to reserve it using our Online Reservation System.