Search for tag: "motivation"

Participation and Motivation in an Online, Collaborative, Out-of-School Writing Program

Mia Brikiatis: English Teaching and Dual Educational Studies Major Aleigha Raymond: English and Dual Educational Studies Major Research Advisors: Bethany Silva and Barbara Peterson

From  Aleigha Raymond 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Personally Motivated: How Personal Intelligence and Motivation Relate

Aislinn Low, Neuroscience and Behavior Research Advisor: Dr. John Mayer Research Advisor: Hannah Lightcap

From  Aislinn Low 3 likes 20 plays 0  

Personal intelligence as a new recruitment tool: A psychological predictor for sport performance?

Kayla Sliz Research Advisor: Dr. John D. Mayer Research Advisor: Dr. Cecile Gunn.

From  Kayla Sliz 0 likes 32 plays 0  

Mind Over Matter: Exploring how mindset affects mind wandering

Cierra Cowan, Neuroscience & Behavior; English Alexis Loyed, Psychology Research Advisor: Dr. Caitlin Mills

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From  Cierra Cowan 0 likes 37 plays 0  

ATI panel - ATI 2019

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From  Michael McIntire 0 likes 11 plays 0  

2019 3MT First Round: Sean Kramer, M.S. Electrical & Computer Engineering

From  Kelly Sennott 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Patient Engagement Matters to Blood Pressure Control

Learn how patient engagement matters to blood pressure control. This web cast is brought to you by the Northern New England Practice Transformation Network and the NH Citizens Health Initiative.

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From  Annie Averill 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Wildcat Wisdom Online: Something's Brewing

Join UNH Alumni Career and Professional Success and UNH Professional Development & Training for a webinar featuring UNH alumni prominent in the seacoast brewing industry. The trio will discuss…

From  Jacey Darrah 0 likes 81 plays 0  

JD77 Pinsonneault, Dave

+61 More
From  Paul LaClair 0 likes 3 plays 0  

ATI Keynote Speaker Alexis Clifton

Summer 2018 Academic Technology Institute Keynote, Alexis Clifton discusses Open Education Resources (OER).

From  Michael McIntire 0 likes 49 plays 0