24K Magic - Bruno Mars, arr. Tom Wallace and Tony McCutcheon (perc.)
Aha! - Imogen Heap, arr. Jay Dawson and Jim Reed (perc.)
Defying Gravity from "Wicked" - Stephen Schwarts, arr. Jay Bocook and Will Rapp/Mark Adams (perc.)
On to Victory UNH Cheer
The 2020 University of New Hampshire Wildcat Marching Band implemented protocols including masks, bell covers, social distancing, and more to allow their season to happen. While there were no football games or band shows at which to perform, the band members still rehearsed regularly, maintaining continuity and traditions of the band, developing musical and visual technique, creating art in their beloved medium, and putting together this video. Having this creative outlet and continuing the family-like bonds provided by the marching band gave the members and staff a sense of normalcy during a decidedly abnormal time. While contacts with roommates and friends outside of rehearsals required some members to quarantine and attend rehearsal remotely, there were ZERO cases of transmission in the band. In fact, there have been no known cases of transmission in a marching band setting anywhere. Unfortunately, due to a number of factors we were missing too many people for our final recording session to use that video, but this was from our first recording a couple weeks before the end of the season. All but one band member appears in this video. Enjoy!