04:16duration 4 minutes 16 seconds
Ian Grant ISBA and Accounting Advisor: Khole Gwebu
03:04duration 3 minutes 4 seconds
2019 3MT First Round: Sophia Burke, Ph.D., NRESS
01:12:45duration 1 hour 12 minutes
Using Zoom at UNH (Drupal User Community Workshop)
UNH has a site license for Zoom, a remote conferencing service, which allows all UNH students and employees to hold Zoom Meetings at any time, for any purpose. This workshop will introduce Zoom,…
02:46duration 2 minutes 46 seconds
Mia Phillips M.S. Biological Sciences:…
Mia Phillips M.S. Biological Sciences: Integrative and Organismal Biology Final Round 2018 Three Minute Thesis
03:10duration 3 minutes 10 seconds
How To Record a Voiceover