Search for tag: "mypages"

myPages: Create a New Website

A brief tutorial on how to create a new website in myPages at UNH.

From  John Pietlicki 0 likes 93 plays 0  

myPages: Embed Video from MediaSpace

This video details how to embed a video hosted in MediaSpace into a myPages content entity or page.

From  John Pietlicki 1 likes 119 plays 0  

Engagement Video

Principal Lecturer Krista Jackman of the English Department talking about how she uses rich media to increase student engagement in her courses.

From  Marquis Walsh 0 likes 94 plays 0  

myPages: Insert Image into Blog Post or Basic Page

Quick video how-to on inserting an image into a myPages blog post or basic page.

From  John Pietlicki 0 likes 57 plays 0  

myPages - Embed ArcGIS Map Into Basic Page

Quick how-to using online version of ArcGIS.

From  John Pietlicki 0 likes 36 plays 0