Search for tag: "cola-home"

[Thesis] Artificial Intelligence as a Disinformation Engine

Read the paper: With the help of his mentor, Professor Nick Smith, during the summer of 2019, Dylan researched how new developments in…

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From  Dylan Wheeler 0 likes 45 plays 0  

[URC] Artificial Intelligence as a Disinformation Engine

With the help of his mentor, Professor Nick Smith, during the summer of 2019, Dylan researched how new developments in artificial intelligence are enabling the mass manufacture and distribution of…

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From  Dylan Wheeler 1 likes 43 plays 0  

Value Driven Science and Artificial Intelligence

Liliana Mangan, Philosophy Research Advisor: Sabrena Smith

From  Liliana Mangan 1 likes 46 plays 0  

“An Evaluation of Punishment and the Utility Calculus”

Author: Piper Gibson, Philosophy and Political Science Research Advisor: Professor Nicholas Smith

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From  Piper Fenoff 1 likes 37 plays 0