57:03duration 57 minutes 3 seconds
Dickinson, Joseph
Retired Faculty
59:59duration 59 minutes 59 seconds
Hesse, Richard
02:47duration 2 minutes 47 seconds
SFMC - Withdrawing Approved Content
This video will discuss how to edit an email that has been approved already or withdraw that email from the approval process
05:34duration 5 minutes 34 seconds
SFMC - Testing email content
The video will show users how to test an email before sending it to a full shared data extension
03:17duration 3 minutes 17 seconds
SFMC - Previewing Shared Data Extensions
This video will show users how to preview a shared data extension lists and its members before using it to address an email
05:26duration 5 minutes 26 seconds
SFMC - Initial Login and Basic Navigation
This video will show users how to log on and navigate around the application
01:53duration 1 minute 53 seconds
SFMC - Cancelling a Send
This video will discuss the steps required to cancel a scheduled send
02:52duration 2 minutes 52 seconds
SFMC - Calendar
this video will discuss how to view and navigate the calendar views within SFMC
03:52duration 3 minutes 52 seconds
SFMC - Email Layout
This article will discuss how to select a layout to use with content. Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) allows users to configure email layouts to contain multiple sections, if needed. This…