Dealing with Stone Fruit Bacterial Disease Problems
From Olivia Saunders (She/Her/Hers) November 12th, 2020
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From Olivia Saunders (She/Her/Hers) November 12th, 2020
6:00 PM Welcoming remarks, Overview of webinar, and Pesticide Certificate of Attendance Process - Jeremy Delisle, UNHCE, Extension Field Specialist, Food & Agriculture and Olvia Saunders, UNHCE, Extension Field Specialist, Food and Agriculture
6:10 PM Peach Crop Insurance - Tom Smiarowski, UMass Extension, Agricultural Risk Management Consultant, Amherst, MA
6:30 PM Orchardists Panel - Stone Fruit Disease Problems?
Moderator - Jeremy Delisle, UNHCE, Extension Field Specialist, Food and Agriculture Local Orchardists: Giff Burnap, Butternut Farm, Farmington / Carl Hills, Kimble Fruit Farm, Hollis/Pepperell / Kitt Plummer, Hazelton Orchard, Chester
7:00 PM Dealing with Stone Fruit Bacterial Disease Problems - Dr. Kari Peter, PSU, Assistant Research Professor, Tree Fruit Pathology
8:00 PM Questions and Answers
Moderators: Jeremy Delisle, UNHCE, Extension Field Specialist, Food and Agriculture and Olivia Saunders, UNHCE, Extension Field Specialist, Food and Agriculture
Speaker: Dr. Kari Peter, PSU, Assistant Research Professor, Tree Fruit Pathology
This webinar is in collaboration with UNH Cooperative Extension, UConn College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, The University of Maine Cooperative Extension Pest Management Unit, UMass Extension, The University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension, and the University of Vermont.This material is based upon work supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2018-70027-28588