Market conditions for forest products in New Hampshire have
been volatile – impacting foresters, loggers, sawmills, biomass plants,
secondary forest products manufactures among others. In addition to the usual
seasonality and market factors, events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and
Pixelle accident have impacted everyone involved with New Hampshire’s forest
industry. Hear the latest news on New Hampshire’s forest products markets from
those in the business.
Introduction (0:00)
New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands Update (3:30) -
Will Guinn
Market Roundup
Biomass electricity (12:55) - Hunter Carbee,
North Country Procurement
Wood heat (22:00) - Charlie Niebling, Innovative
Natural Resource Solutions (INRS)
Hemlock pulp (33:45) - Leo Maslan, Finch
Hardwood pulp (40:55) - Ross Caron, Sappi
Forester perspective (45:26) - Dennis McKenney,
New England Forestry Consultants
Timber mats – Ties (51:40) - Steve Patten, Pine
Tree Lumber (provided by Andy Fast)
Pine sawlogs, lumber, and exports (53:57) - Ed Witt,
Madison Lumber
Hardwood sawlogs, lumber, and exports (58:28) -
George Davenport & Bruce Dahn, HHP
Pixelle Specialty Solutions (1:10:47) - Mike
Watts, Pixelle Specialty Solutions
Spruce-fir sawlogs, lumber, and exports (1:18:20)
- John Ballew, Milan Lumber (provided by Andy Fast)
Northeast Wood Markets Retention and New Market Recruitment
Initiative (120:29) – Charlie Levesque, NEFA, INRS
Policy Update (122:25) - Jasen Stock, New Hampshire
Timberland Owners Association